Sunday, February 17, 2013

Research Question

My research question is "What are the background check laws and how do they affect gun ownership?" This question relates to my group topic of gun control. I developed this question kind of based off my major of nursing. However, not much with nursing and gun control went together. So I thought of mental health checks for gun ownership, but I could not find much on that. I did find quite a bit of stuff on background checks before a gun purchase. I found out much more information on my presearch that helped develop my research question. The two positions I can take on my research is the pros and cons of background checks or I can take on the laws and the effects of the law before it was in place and after it was in place. I think this is a good question because I can find a lot of information on the laws and the effects of the laws on how and where many people buy their guns. Some felons may have friends that can buy them guns even if they know it is illegal. I have a lot of hope for my topic and my question.


  1. You have a pretty good focus on where you want to take your research question. I too am a nursing major and cannot see much of it to do with guns but, being able to go off it with mental health checks and more is a good idea. People tend to go insane when they are able to own a gun and use it.

  2. Of the questions you've talked about here, I think the issue of mental health in relation to gun ownership is the most interesting. As we get into searching the databases, you should be able to find plenty of information on the topic. You could tie that in with what you've found so far by asking whether background checks should include information on mental health backgrounds.

    If you haven't done too much research on this question yet, another way that you could relate nursing to gun control would be to examine the effects of gun violence. What are some complications associated with treating victims of gunshot wounds? I would guess you'd find some simple patients (those involved in actual hunting accidents or those wanting to prosecute the criminal shooter) and some patients who want to keep the police out of it (either because they're criminals or because they're afraid of retribution).

    Doing a quick search in one of the databases, I'm finding a lot of articles that examine hospitalization and mortality rates before and after new gun control legislation was enacted. That could also be a way to tie nursing to the issue of gun control. Several of those articles are looking at other countries, but you could compare the outcomes there - why did it work in one place but not another?

  3. I think that paring it with the mental health thing makes your question very interesting and the fact that you could create a link between your major and your topic was also very cool.
