Wednesday, February 27, 2013

in class blog #7

I used PsycInfo. This database is similar to Academic Search Complete in the formatting. I used many terms to search in this database. Mostly I used "gun control and background checks" but I did use "firearms and background checks". I found lots of good information researching the new laws on background checks and ability of mentally ill patients to own firearms. I would use this database in looking for information that has been studied and has lots of time in research done over the subject.
The other database I used was Criminal Justice Periodical Index. The layout is very different from Academic Search Complete. This database had less research type entries than PsycInfo. This database had news articles about things that are happening in different places in the United States. I searched "gun control and background checks" but that yielded no usable results. So I tried "right to carry". These results were better than the first terms I tried. I would use this database for support of my claims in my paper. I could do my own analyzing of this type of information.
The filters were very similar. I do prefer to use PsycInfo.

1 comment:

  1. Although, I do not know much about either of these databases, it seems from what you have written that the Criminal Justice Periodical Index doesn’t yield many results when trying to get actual research on your topic, but instead gives you news stories. This may be helpful, but PsychInfo is probably better for most of your research needs.
