Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Research Project

My favorite research project was in my junior year of high school. Mr. Bilski, my teacher, had us research a vacation and the cost of the entire vacation. I used the internet mostly for the project. I used sites like and We had class time to use a computer lab which cut down on the homework time. My place of vacation was Paris. I chose Paris because it has many fun things to do and lots of yummy food to eat. I calculated the price of the flight, hotel, transportation, food, sight-seeing events, and souvenirs. It was presented in a paper format, standard MLA with a bibliography. I made a very good grade on that assignment and had lots of fun while researching. It was my favorite research project because I got to be imaginative about where in the world I wanted to travel.


  1. I hd to do a project similr to this my senior year in my math class! It was like a five prt project but it was really fun and I enjoyed doing this project as well!

  2. I had a project similar to this in my economics class. Since it was my senior year of high school, our teacher required me to estimate the cost of living after graduating high school and becoming an adult. I used Google to gather most of my information and I used my parents for some of the information such as average cost of utilities and etc. This project was fascinating and made me realize the reality of growing up.

  3. I would have loved to have done this project in highschool, although I probably would have gone to a destination with a beach! I am sure that and were very good websites for the criteria that you needed to meet. I feel like I might have had a difficult time putting the information into a paper. I think a powerpoint or booklet of some sort might have been easier.
